
PRP Treatments
(Vampire Series)

What is PRP?

PRP (or Platelet-Rich Plasma) is a method of using the platelets in your own blood to help your body repair itself. It is the first in the line of regenerative medicine treatments. We draw your own blood and process it to get the platelet concentrated part of the blood. Platelets have growth factors in them. We then re-inject those platelets in areas to help regenerate tissue. It can help fill out wrinkles, replace volume loss, stimulate new hair growth, lift the chest, or help regenerate areas with loss of function. It is Regenerative Medicine that leads to more youthful and functional cells. At RevitalyzMD we strive to deliver the best results PRP Knoxville patients could ask for!

Vampire Facelift

Skin resurfacing with Morpheus RF Microneedling

Vampire Facial

Vampire Hair Restoration

Vampire Breast Lift