RevitalyzeMD is your Knoxville Accufit destination.
Maximize Muscle Toning
RevitalyzeMD is excited to offer their patients in Knoxville Accufit for those who are seeking an increase in muscle definition and tone. Accufit is fast, non-invasive, and produces visible results that will make you feel stronger and look great. We are ready to help you realize your body goals with a quick, painless, and safe treatment.
Accufit Before & Afters
What is Accufit?
Sculpt and Tone
Accufit is a direct muscle targeting electrostimulation procedure. It stimulates four different movements you typically would do in the gym: twisting, gripping, planking, and tapping. This treatment uses IntelliStim electrodes that can be used on the abdomen, biceps, triceps, front thighs, glutes, and back. During your 30-minute treatment, IntelliPhase stimulation is used to strengthen and tone muscles. The suggested frequency for best results is two times a week for two weeks to see significant results.
What are the benefits of Accufit?
Comprehensive Muscle Activation
Using Accufit in Knoxville will allow you to strengthen your core, glutes, legs, and arms with precision and control. Diminish strain and discomfort from day-to-day activities with increased muscle definition using intelligent, joint-friendly, low-impact technology. Aesthetically, Accufit allows you to sculpt those hard-to-tone muscles, getting you beach ready faster than traditional methods.
Am I a good candidate for Accufit?
Jump Start Your Fitness Journey
Anyone healthy and relatively active with a BMI under 35 is a good candidate for Accufit. You must plan to maintain and keep up with a healthy lifestyle to ensure lasting results.
Your Accufit
Targeted Electro-Muscle Stimulation
After your initial consultation, a treatment plan is established. Our Accufit specialist will apply the gel pads and electrodes to the area being treated. You can expect to feel some slight contractions in the muscles that are being activated during your 30-minute appointment. With Accufit Knoxville patients have a fully customizable treatment, and the intensity is mirrored to your comfort levels to ensure a pleasant, comfortable experience.
Accufit Recovery and Results
Increase Muscle Strength
There is no recovery time after Accufit. You can resume regular activities immediately. Most people see an improvement in muscle tone after just two sessions! Maximized results are seen and felt after four appointments.
Schedule your Knoxville Accufit consultation with RevitalyzeMD today.
Maximize Muscle Toning
Get the benefits of yoga, weight training, and pilates in one 30-minute session. All you have to do is lie back and relax!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will it hurt?
Accufit does not hurt; however, you can expect to feel some mild muscle contractions during your treatment and soreness post-procedure.
What are the risks?
Accufit is FDA cleared and extremely safe. When performed by a licensed professional, there are no risks associated with Accufit.
How much does it cost?
Cost is contingent upon the area(s) treated. Set up a consultation with one of our Accufit specialists to learn more about your individualized treatment plan!
Does my insurance cover it?
Accufit is a cosmetic procedure not typically covered by most insurance carriers.