Female Sexual Dysfunction Doctors

Female Sexual Dysfunction Doctors

Female Sexual Dysfunction Doctors, Libido Issues? Sex for women is more complex. The reasons that women have sex are varied and not as simple as just the having the urge…..as many know. But sometimes it can be related to an issue in the body. If we can provide...
What is BPC- 157?

What is BPC- 157?

Peptide Therapy: What is BPC- 157 and why does it work so well in Repair in the body? BPC-157 Body Protective Compound Does this peptide BPC-157 promote healing magic? No side effect of BPC-157? No toxicity with BPC-157? BPC-157 peptide has no direct effect. It is all...
Achieve a 4D Non-Surgical Facelift

Achieve a 4D Non-Surgical Facelift

How we achieve a 4D non-surgical facelift As we live longer, we also want to look better longer. One way, or another… The Fotona 4D facelift is a groundbreaking non surgical face lifting procedure that results in a rejuvenated and natural looking...
Infrared & Red Light Therapy

Infrared & Red Light Therapy

What is the difference between Infrared (IR) and Red Light therapy (RED LED)? What are the benefits of IR and Red Light Therapy? Every day, we are surrounded by light. Some is visible and some we cannot see.  It does not need a medium and therefore it was thought...
How Does Vitamin D Help with Covid-19?

How Does Vitamin D Help with Covid-19?

Vitamin D has so many amazing benefits and now this! Vitamin D optimization has been shown to reduce incidence and severity of Covid-19. We do not talk enough about that. We will review some facts and studies in this blog. So many amazing benefits of Vitamin...