What is BPC- 157?

Peptide Therapy: What is BPC- 157 and why does it work so well in Repair in the body?

BPC-157 Body Protective Compound

Does this peptide BPC-157 promote healing magic?

No side effect of BPC-157?

No toxicity with BPC-157?

BPC-157 peptide has no direct effect. It is all about signaling! 

It modulates the inflammatory response.

It promotes healing through signaling pathways.

It up-regulates gene transcription to influence these healing pathways.

BPC-157, composed of 15 amino acids, is a partial sequence of body protective compound (BPC) that is discovered in and isolated from the human gastric juice. Experimentally it has been demonstrated to accelerate the healing of many different wounds, including tendon-to-bone healing and superior healing of damaged ligaments. Also, BPC-157 seems to protect organs and to prevent ulcers of the stomach. This Peptide is also shown to decrease pain in damaged areas. Those who suffer from discomfort due to muscle sprains, tears and damage may benefit from treatment with this peptide. It can also help aid skin burns to heal at a faster rate and increase blood flow to damaged tissues. 

What can BPC-157 peptide do?

  • Repair Tendon  
  • Repair Muscle  
  • Repair bone 
  • Repair teeth  
  • Repair the cornea
  • Repair brain   
  • Repair intestine 
  • Protects the heart   
  • Up regulates GH receptors
  • Decrease pain
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Wound healing
  • Increase collagen synthesis
  • Quicker recovery times post-injury
  • Quicker recovery times post-surgery
  • Reverse opioid tolerance
  • Enhance Gaba neurotransmission for mood improvement

Peptides are amino acid sequences that are synthetically made to mimic hormones or neurotransmitters in the body. They are not drugs so therefore lack side effects and interactions. They give the body back a communication signal that it needs for certain functions. BPC-157 gives the body back a repair signal that it needs and it works by stimulate repair mechanisms. It allows inflammation but not so much so that you get swelling that impairs healing. It can be used pre, peri and post operatively to improve healing after a surgery. 

How can I find out if BPC-157 is for me? Make an appointment at our Med Spa, RevitalyzeMD (RMD). 

Call or text today (865) 293-5828.

L. BRCIC1, I. BRCIC2, M. STARESINIC3, T. NOVINSCAK3, P. SIKIRIC3, S. SEIWERTH1 MODULATORY EFFECT OF GASTRIC PENTADECAPEPTIDE BPC-157 ON ANGIOGENESIS IN MUSCLE AND TENDON HEALING 1Institute of Pathology, University of Zagreb Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia; 2Clinical Department of Pathology and Cytology, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; 3Department of Pharmacology, University of Zagreb Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia

Ivetic Tkalcevic V, Cuzic S, Brajsa K, et al. Enhancement by PL 14736 of granulation and collagen organization in healing wounds and the potential role of egr-l expression. Eur J Pharmacol 2007; 570: 212-22
