
Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

Rejuvenate Your Most Intimate Area

Non-surgical Labiaplasty in Knoxville, TN | Aviva | RevitalyzeMD

Dr. Debra Durst and her expert team are here to provide the highest level of rejuvenation. Regain your self-confidence with an Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty in Knoxville, a quick, minimally invasive procedure that yields significant results.

What is Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty?

Improve the Look And Feel of Your Labia

Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty is a non-invasive procedure that has improved thousands of women’s self-confidence and sex life. The labia is made smaller using revolutionary radiofrequency technology, improving the look and feel of your most intimate area. This shortening of the labia improves aesthetics and eases any pain or discomfort brought on by a lengthy labia. Aviva has various advantages over the typical surgical procedure, including minimal to no discomfort, a short recovery period, and rapid results.

What are the benefits of Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty?

Get Relief with Aviva

With our Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Knoxville patients get a much less invasive, scar-less alternative to the more invasive surgical labiaplasty procedure while still getting them the desired results. This in-office treatment reduces extra vulvar and labial tissue while tightening and toning the skin in the surrounding areas. After your treatment, you can expect enhanced clitoral stimulation and vaginal tightening for improved sexual function and pleasure, a reduction in the likelihood of recurring vaginitis and dry vagina, and an improved appearance of the genital area —- boosting your self-confidence.

Am I a good candidate for Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty?

Tighten & Tone

You may be a good candidate for our Knoxville Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty if you have significant vulvar tissue and are uncomfortable with your genital region. If you do not enjoy sex as much as you used to, avoid wearing tight clothing and experiencing more issues than you would like in your genital area.

In that case, Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty is an excellent option to consider. Dr. Debra Durst will be a thorough assessment during your initial consultation to determine the right course of treatment for your individual needs.

Your Aviva Non-Surgical
Labiaplasty Procedure

Minimally Invasive and Performed In-Office

Before the treatment begins, we apply a numbing agent to ensure you are comfortable throughout your treatment. After numbing, Dr. Debra Durst will create a tiny entry site into the skin using a thin, hollow tube—cannula. The cannula works to focus radiofrequency radiation into particular vulval regions, tightening loose tissue while also stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin. A smoother, more symmetrical appearance is attained by carefully adjusting excess skin around the vaginal opening and other portions of the vaginal area as the handheld device is gently guided under the skin while heating the vulvar tissue. Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty is an in-office outpatient procedure takes less than an hour to complete.

Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Recovery

Regain Your Self Confidence

Following treatment, your labia may be slightly swollen, uncomfortable, and red for one to two weeks. Tylenol and other over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce pain and swelling. Most women return to work one to three days after their procedure. You should refrain from using hot tubs, swimming pools, and hot baths for at least a week after treatment. Additionally, avoid using tampons and engaging in sexual activity for at least two weeks.

Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Results

Combat Signs of Age

Although full results are usually visible after at least six months; some patients report a considerable improvement in comfort and aesthetics of the genital area three months following treatment. After just one Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty treatment, most patients are happy with the results, though individual outcomes can vary.

Schedule your Knoxville Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty consultation with RevitalyzeMD today.

See Results in Three Months

Improve your sex life, self-confidence, and overall quality of life with the Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty. Dr. Durst is a double board-certified practitioner in restorative treatments and regenerative medicine at RevitalyzeMD. RMD offers individualized programs to assist patients in improving their sexual health, weight loss, and anti-aging. Schedule a private Knoxville Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty appointment today to learn more about non-surgical labiaplasty and whether it’s suitable for you.

Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it hurt?

Aviva is not a painful procedure. You will be numbed before the procedure begins to ensure you have a comfortable experience.

Do I need to have someone drive me home because of anesthesia?
Nope! No anesthesia is used during this treatment, and you can safely drive yourself home.
What are the risks?

Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty is a very low-risk procedure when performed by a licensed medical professional. Any and all questions and concerns will be addressed during your initial consultation.

Can this procedure help with urinary incontinence?

Yes! Aviva Non-Surgical Labiaplasty does help some women with urinary incontinence. During your assessment, Dr. Debra Durst will determine if Aviva can help you with this issue.